Sunday, September 13, 2009

Catch Up

Sometime since our last update. Have been catching Blues on bait and jigs. Fish are in the 10 to 12 pound range of late. Eric M. caught a 11.35 pound blue over the WICC Bluefish Tournament weekend, in a very rough northeast wind. Fish came in second at Fish Tales in Stamford. Close but no cigar for the port prize.
Porgy fishing has been good with some nice size black sea bass mixed in.
Blackfish season opens on Oct 1. The Deborah Ann IV will be sailing at 7AM to 3PM on full day charters and 7AM-11AM for half day trips.
Season is starting to wind down, but still some time left before the long winter. So give us a call and come out and join the fun. 203 792-2277, or e-mail Captain Bryan.

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